
Thella Wilsen has her Associates Degree in Liberal Arts and is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing. She’s been writing for herself since elementary school and continues to level up her writing skills day by day. She was self-taught prior to pursuing her bachelor’s, and quickly learned the value of time. Writing a good piece of work takes more time than one may realize and having many time consuming interests does not make it easy. As a creative, spending precious time on what matters most is how she aims to succeed. Now that she’s efficiently organized her time, she’s able to write and complete other hobbies such as drawing, sculpting, painting, cooking, and recreational volleyball. 

Thella’s motivation lies in watching her imagination come to life on the big screen and having mass monetary success so she will have even more time to write and pursue personal success in other avenues. Her creativity stems from everything she consumes; art content, music videos, movie and television, anime, books, random quotes, humorous situations, nature, and anything else in between. Her own bizarre thoughts of impossible situations causes her to sit and work through the possibilities of making it out of the situation the best way possible, allowing her brain to sift through the extremities and form a logical explanation. Her passion for storytelling heavily relies on those extremities and allows her to freely express her imagination in an evocative way that resonates with others.